We are Coldsense

Willkommen in der Welt von Coldsense Technologies

What differentiates us

We think: Technology must be robust. Even with the threat of icing, equipment and systems must run safely, efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner. That’s why we have specialized in the development of innovative system solutions that effectively protect against ice formation.

You, our customers, are what drives us. We‘re satisfied only when the solution generates a high benefit for you – whether through high energy savings, longer running times, less maintenance or maximum safety.

In our collaboration, you benefit from innovations from cutting-edge research, expertise in current and future tech trends, and professional networking across national borders.

We are a young company, but we have experienced employees on board who are dedicated and committed to finding the best solution for you. Guaranteed.

How it all began

Coldsense Technologies was founded in 2019 by the three scientists Stephan Bansmer, David Burzynski and Juan Velandia – following on their many years of TU Braunschweig in the field of icing research.

It soon became clear to the triad: there is enormous potential for industrial applications in this joint research area! So, with a lot of enthusiasm, they began to develop the first prototypes in their spare time – always with the goal in mind of translating their research results and experience into practical, cross-industry solutions for ice detection and deicing. More and more companies from the industry became aware of the three. The first orders from well-known customers followed – and so it was time to turn the sideline into a company. Coldsense Technologies was born.

The brains behind Coldsense

Dr. Stephan Bansmer

“Working at Coldsense is marked by international flavor.
With David and Juan, we have two native Spanish speakers on the team, and we also speak fluent English and French. This ensures smooth communication in cross-border joint projects with our customers, partners and suppliers.”

View Vita

Dr. David Burzynski

“With our products and services, we not only make the operation of equipment, plants and systems safer – we also ensure greater energy efficiency during operation. It makes me proud that we can provide an active contribution to the sustainable development of our society with our know-how.”

View Vita

Juan Velandia

“It‘s fascinating to see the added value of our scientific knowledge in practical, industrial applications. We can solve problems, some of which have existed for years and on which others have already cut their teeth.”

View Vita

Awards and sponsorships

Coldsense does excellent work – as the following award clearly proves:


innovate! gilt als der bedeutendste Award für Start-ups, die mit disruptiven Ideen die Lebensmittelbranche aufmischen. Coldsense erhielt die Nominierung im Jahr 2020 für die automatisierte Detektion und Bekämpfung von Eisbildung an Kältemaschinen und -anlagen, wodurch sich die für die Lebensmittelindustrie gefährliche Unterbrechung der Kühlkette zuverlässig verhindern lässt.


We have great supporters from politics and business on our side who provide us with extra energy. A big thank you for that!

Contact us!

Contact us now for a no-obligation initial consultation and benefit from our cross-industry expertise in the field of refrigeration and icing. After a detailed inventory, we will find a customized solution for you.