Analysis and optimization of products and systems
With know-how to better solutions
With our icing expertise, we improve your components, subsystems, system technology and plants: we make them all-weather capable, increase operational reliability and ensure greater efficiency and environmental friendliness during operation.
Advantages of our consulting
- NFaster to series production
Coldsense Technologies drives your innovations: Our know-how reduces iteration loops and leads you faster to the perfect product.
- NHigher plant efficiency
We reduce process losses caused by icing. This automatically increases the efficiency of your equipment – whether in a factory environment or outdoors.
- NReduction of the CO2 footprint of plants
The better you manage icing problems, the less energy you have to spend on plant operation.
Three-step consulting
We have in-depth knowledge of icing and flow physics, complemented by many years of experience in product development and quality management. This interdisciplinary know-how helps us to develop the ideal solution for our customers.
Step 1: Analysis
Together with you, we define the objectives of the consulting assignment, structure the icing problem of the objects to be investigated and determine the focal points for action. Based on this, the analysis of the current state is carried out, taking into account various influencing factors, interactions and conflicting goals.
Step 2: Solution finding
In the second step, we search specifically for the optimal ice protection system solution. Within this framework, we generate, complement and validate several tailor-made partial solutions that, when combined, achieve maximum benefit. Possible risks are also evaluated and reduced.
Step 3: Implementation
We present our analysis results and show you concrete measures to solve the icing problem. With the help of detailed documentation, you will learn how your product or system behaves in practice. You understand the cause of icing and are thus in a position to proactively counteract icing risks. We will also be happy to assist you in implementing the necessary measures.
What sets us apart
Whether it’s a small laboratory investigation or a comprehensive technical solution, our customers can expect a powerful team that takes responsibility and focuses on long-term customer benefits.
A wealth of experience
Coldsense employees have been working in the field of icing for more than ten years.
Excellently networked
We have a cross-industry network at our disposal. As part of our consulting mission, we draw on the latest trends and innovations in cutting-edge research.
Internationally positioned
We have country-specific knowledge of regulations and authorities. Our team speaks German, English, French and Spanish, ensuring easy communication across national borders.