Technology and service package

Everything you need: powerful hardware, AI-based data analytics and compelling reports

Getting Better and Better

Coldsense doesn’t just offer innovative technology. We continue to support you even after our system solution has been installed. With the help of cognitive technologies, we analyze system usage and detect patterns, thereby optimizing defrosting and revealing the further potential for saving electricity. Also included in the service are monthly reports with useful key figures.

Technical equipment

Groundbreaking performance of the highest quality: the backbone of our system solution is our ingenious hardware. The technology package is a one-time investment for you.

Ice sensors

Our ice sensors enable direct monitoring of ice formation at the evaporator for the first time.
» Learn more

Environmental sensors
The technology package also includes temperature and humidity sensors. Our system uses them to continuously monitors the temperature and humidity in your cold room. Based on the measured data, we can optimize both the defrosting time and the length of the defrosting process. It also allows us to ensure the stability of the room conditions.
Door sensors
Door movements generate moisture input, which is deposited as ice on the evaporator. This makes it all the more important to continuously monitor door movements and detect patterns. We use the measurement data from the door sensors to intelligently adapt defrosting to user behaviour.
Intelligent control unit
The control unit processes all sensor signals and communicates with the Coldsense AI computer to adapt defrosting to your cold store in an optimal and energy-efficient way.
Field bus
The field bus serves as a collection point for connecting the sensors in a single cold room. It thus reduces the amount of the required cabling: not every single sensor then has to be connected to the control unit via long cable runs – often more than 200 m in large factories.
On request, we can provide you with pre-assembled cables that speed up the installation of the technology package for you.

Sophisticated technology down to the last detail

13.9 million data points

enable highly accurate AI calculation

Fast 100 Mbit data transmission

between the sensors and the control unit

Quad-core CPU

for demanding control tasks of the control unit

24/7 electronic monitoring of the refrigeration systems

for optimal operational and plant safety

Direct ice detection at the evaporator

with worldwide new sensor technology

Central error database

allows a fast elimination of (potential) faults

The Intelligence

Our service package includes refinement, analysis and interpretation of the acquired sensor data for pinpoint defrosting and maximum power savings. The service is billed at an ongoing monthly rate.

Continuous monitoring
We analyze the measurement data of your system and proactively contact you if we identify major problems, e.g. defective heating elements. Practical experience shows that we can often detect such defects based on our measurement data before your technical team. Based on the user behaviour of your refrigeration system, we also continuously provide you with suggestions for further increasing energy efficiency, e.g. by reducing unnecessarily long door opening times.
Licensing of Coldsense control software
Using the AI modules in our control software, our system can analyze the actual condition and set up intelligent defrosting.
Analysis of the actual state
In the first three months after the installation, the system is taught using advanced AI algorithms and user behaviour is analyzed in detail. At the end of the learning phase, we sit down with you and outline the current operation based on the measurement data. We then gradually activate the intelligent defrost strategy with our control system.
Monthly success reports
Reports include a summary of energy usage and show the savings achieved per month. They also include a detailed account of the daily operating status for each room equipped with Coldsense technology. This includes metrics on room temperature, room humidity, door opening times and defrosting hours.
Regular updates
We permanently develop and optimize the system. You will always receive the safest and latest software version.
Seven-year warranty
With Coldsense technology you acquire a high-quality product, which is characterized by reliability and robustness. If contrary to expectations problems should occur, we will of course take care of them immediately.
Additional modules
You can extend your standard service package with various additional modules:

1) To make defrosting even more cost-effective, we can further optimize defrosting by linking it to the electricity spot price.

2) We set up your cold rooms as cold storage and couple this with defrosting.

3) We couple the intelligent defrost system with your PV system to use the necessary defrost energy from the PV surplus.

4) We create an energy management system for your cold rooms. Within this framework, we make the energy flows visible and optimize them in real-time. This way, your entire operation benefits from a holistic energy concept, which avoids expensive load peaks.

5) We make a detailed analysis of the logistic processes, including an economic calculation in terms of energy consumption for the stored goods, for example, how much kWh does it cost to store a pallet of potatoes?

6) We ensure direct communication of all error messages to the responsible control centre (addition/extension of HACCP monitoring) and automatic e-mails to your technicians. In case of any malfunction, you will receive an appropriate solution proposal.

Meaningful reports

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Sie sehen schwarz auf weiß, wie viele Kilowattstunden Strom und CO2 Sie durch die KI-gesteuerte Abtauung im letzten Monat eingespart haben. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie Kennzahlen zur Reduktion der Abtauzeiten und Verbesserung der Temperaturstabilität.

You can see in black and white how many kilowatt hours of electricity and CO2 you have saved through AI-controlled defrosting in the last month. In addition, you get key figures on the reduction of defrosting times and improvement of temperature stability.

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Sie möchten die intelligente Abtauung mit Ihrer PV-Anlage koppeln? Dann enthalten die Reports zusätzlich Informationen darüber, wieviel überschüssiger PV-Strom zur Abtauung genutzt werden konnte (daraus ergibt sich die Menge an eingespartem, zugekauftem Strom).

Do you want to couple intelligent defrosting with your PV system? If so, the reports also contain additional information about how much surplus PV electricity could be used for defrosting (this results in the amount of saved purchased electricity).

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Die Berichte liefern außerdem detaillierte raumbezogene Daten, z. B. zur Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit, Türöffnungszeit sowie Abtauzeit. Sie benötigen noch mehr Zahlen? Kein Problem. Individuallösungen sind auf Anfrage realisierbar.

The reports also provide detailed room-specific data, such as temperature, humidity, door opening time and defrosting time. Do you need even more numbers? No problem. Individual solutions can be found on request.

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Technology without service? No!

We get asked from time to time whether the technology package is available without the service package. Unfortunately, this is not possible – for a good reason: the AI-based control software included in the service package is needed to perform intelligent defrosting. It is an integral part of a functional system solution.

How can we support you?

Contact us now for a free initial consultation – we look forward to a personal exchange with you! We would be happy to answer all your questions about AI-controlled defrosting of cold rooms and show how your company can benefit from Coldsense technology.